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工程科学相关 信息的本质(例如显性和固有内容)Nature of information (e.g. explicit and inherent content)
组织发展与机器学习 Organizational development and machine learning
心理学相关 唱诵冥想的感知与效用 Perception and effect of Toning Meditations
创伤状态的蜕变 Transmuting traumatic states
集体创伤与全球意识见证 Collective trauma and global conscious witnessing
社会科学&传播科学相关 冲突转化 Conflict transformation
作为变革性学习的调解 Reconciliation as a process of transformative learning
信任重建 Rebuilding trust
商业与组织进化相关 情绪发展与情绪商 Emotional development and intelligence
精神在工作场所的作用和影响 Role and impact of workplace spirituality
商业战略与内在指引 Business strategy and inner guidance
创新与灵感的管理 The management of innovation and inspiration
战略导向的组织目的 Organizational purpose as strategic orientation
当代商业组织的职业与目的 Vocation and purpose in today’s business organization
具身与虚拟组织 Embodiment and virtual organization
领导力的内在科学原则 Mystical principles in leadership